1390 Market Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, California, 94102
Child and human trafficking and prevention

It’s not only children in developing countries who are at high risk of being recruited, kidnapped and extorted.  It’s a global epidemic that has impacted the lives of an estimated 27 million victims. Communities and countries must mobilize to address root causes – such as homeless or runaway children – and put a halt to trafficking.  Predators target the displaced with promises of a better life – or money. These are lies that entrap and enslave way too many of God’s children, forcing them into hard, dangerous labor and prostitution.   

We are joining with other organizations to end these horrific crimes against humanity. Some of these projects will:

•    Lobby for government officials to create and enforce laws that protect children and prosecute offenders.
•    Enlist communities and faith-based organizations to be more vigilant about child exploitations.
•    Educate the public about how to spot and report suspicious behavior.
•    Supporting the training of professionals working with children including social workers, health workers and police and border officials to help stop trafficking.